Can I add video? And is there video conferencing?
Using TRU’s new streaming service Kaltura Media you have the ability to upload and post video content to discussion forums.
This video shows you how to do this.
You can also see the steps in this graphic.
If you need any help with Kaltura, please let us know.
You may be asked to attend a lecture online, give an online presentation, or attend virtual office hours. BigBlueButton is an online collaboration space which can be used for any of these purposes.
You can tell if there is a BigBlueButton session in your class by the icon:

This document provides an overview of how to join a BigBlueButton session from within Moodle.
Note: If you see a BigBlueButton session in your course but are not able to join, be sure to check the scheduled time for the session. It is possible that your instructor has not yet made the session available. You will see a message stating when the meeting is scheduled to start. If do not see a message or if it is the correct time but you are still unable to join be sure to contact your instructor.

This video describes how to participate in a conference from the student perspective.
If you have any questions about using BigBlueButton please send us an email.
Everyone at TRU has access to their own BigBlueButton space! This can be used for meetings, collaborations with colleagues outside TRU, and for social purposes.
To access your personal BigBlueButton area to to:
From there, you will sign in with your TRU username and password.
You will then land on your in your own BigBlueButton homeroom. You can then share the link to your room with others so that they can join the session.
This video from BigBlueButton provides an overview of how to moderate a BigBlueButton session:
This video provides an overview of some of the additional features within BigBlueButton’s interface which you may want to explore:
If any help is needed with your BigBlueButton session, please let us know!